"War is Peace" is one of the parts that forms the official slogan of the Party. This sentence, in addition to " Freedom is Slavery!" and " Ignorance is Strengh", is written with capital lettres on the walls of the Minitrue, the Minitry of Truth that George Orwells describes in the firts chapter of 1984.
"War is Peace" represents one of the principal ideas of the Party: war it's the only way to solve problems and thats why you (refering to people) must belive and participate in it. The point, is that it was used as a propaganda to recruit soldiers for the army and to make civil people belive that war is good and that it's the correct way to show to the whole world the power of the country, and of course the power and the influence of The Party.
Althougth it's difficult to relate peace with war, the Party set up all the slogan to cause that impression on people. And, despite of not having any sense, many people thougth that and showed their support to the war and, obviously, to the Party.
Finally, I asked myself: How could it be possible to think that war brings peace? How can anybody belive that the best way of solving problems is war? War is never good. It never brings anything more than deaths and misery, It can not be realated with PEACE. They are totally opposit!
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