martes, 13 de diciembre de 2011

Don't eat more McFlurry!!!

Do you know that McFlurry with Kit Kat and and chocolate is made from hamburgers, chips and bread?

When we eat a McFlurry the firts thing that comes to your mind is: Mmm... delicious! You look at it and you think that it's just skin with some kind of chocolate syrup and little peaces of kit kat on it, but NO. You are wrong, very wrong!

To make the McFlurry, the rubbish and the expired food, such as meat, chips bread or salad are collected by the McDonals workers and, instead of throwing all into the bin, they save a part if it. This part of disgusting and horrifing rubbish is put into a big and rouns machine that turns around and mix the food. After half and hour, that mixed food is converted into a cream. The cream is moved to another pot and converted into a white and frothy cream with a white colorant. Then, when the cream is completly white, the workers put a flavouring and some chocolate and kit kat on the cream that convert the mixure of rubbish into a delicious and yumy McFlurry.

I explain you that because I want to warn you about the risk that this ice-cream has for your health. That rubbish it isn't cleaned and has a lot of bacterias that are bad for your organism and that can produce you a very big infection or sikness at least. The next step, is dead!

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