Before the 22@ project started in 2004, Poblenou
was an isolated area due to the lack of infraestructures and connexions.
However, with the years it developed more and more: first of all, in 1992
thanks to the Olympic Games, the area of "Villa Olimpica" was
developed and more connexions were built in the neighborhood; then,
in 1997 the Diagonal Avenue was opened and the factories were changed into
houses for the workers and, finally in 2004 the 22@ started and with it all the
renueval of Besos and the construction of the Forum de les Cultures and the
depuration plant which is under the Forum.
So, what's 22@project and why it is
working on Poblenou??
The 22@ project is a new way of renewal and an answer to an economic
renewal too. Thanks to it, the industrial economy developes into a new
economy. It consist of an Urbanistic plan which prupose is to achieve
sostenibility in an urban level (with a mixture of work and life) and in an
economic level (with new economy and new needs). That new economy of wich I'm talking everytime is a developement of a mixt of uses, that means, a change from a 100% privat investment to a 70% of privat and 30% of public investment.
Moreover, there are some elements that describes the 22@ perfectly:
- FLEXIBILITY: Which is one of the machines of transformation and which afects the time, the shapes and the highs.
- @ FACILITIES : Which are for citizens and for companies too.
- PUBLIC SPACES (Green Zones and bigger Streets)
- ADVANCED INFRAESTRUCTURES: Systems and networks.
Finally, Poblenou was chose for its industrial center, its low density and functional obsolence and for its centrality and accesibility.