lunes, 30 de abril de 2012

22@: The Urban and Economic Renewal of Poblenou

Before the 22@ project started in 2004, Poblenou was an isolated area due to the lack of infraestructures and connexions. However, with the years it developed more and more: first of all, in 1992 thanks to the Olympic Games, the area of "Villa Olimpica" was developed and more connexions were built in the neighborhood; then, in 1997 the Diagonal Avenue was opened and the factories were changed into houses for the workers and, finally in 2004 the 22@ started and with it all the renueval of Besos and the construction of the Forum de les Cultures and the depuration plant which is under the Forum. 

So, what's 22@project and why it is working on Poblenou??

The 22@ project is a new way of renewal and an answer to an economic renewal too. Thanks to it, the industrial economy  developes into a new economy. It consist of an Urbanistic plan which prupose is to achieve sostenibility in an urban level (with a mixture of work and life) and in an economic level (with new economy and new needs). That new economy of wich I'm talking everytime is a developement of a mixt of uses, that means, a change from a 100% privat investment to a 70% of privat and 30% of public investment. 
Moreover, there are some elements that describes the 22@ perfectly: 
  • FLEXIBILITY: Which is one of the machines of transformation and which afects the time, the shapes and the highs. 
  • @ FACILITIES : Which are for citizens and for companies too. 
  • PUBLIC SPACES (Green Zones and bigger Streets)
  • ADVANCED INFRAESTRUCTURES: Systems and networks. 

Finally, Poblenou was chose for its industrial center, its low density and functional obsolence and for its centrality and accesibility. 

sábado, 18 de febrero de 2012

Who told them about you? - My little daughter.

- Who told them about you? - asked Wiston.
- My little daughter. - said Parsons.

Your own daughter, just a little and innocent girl who you have seen growing up and who you have love so much has betray you. Can you immagine it?
It's shocking and impressive but in those times it was something ordinary. And that's what had happened to Mrs. Parsons in Chapter 9 of 1984. He, who has always supported the Party, who since he was a child was part of the Spies and who raised his children as a Party children; now is accused of thoughtcriminal by his own daughter!

This quotation is one of lots of examples that George Orwell give us to explain us how society was in those times. There was people who was educated so much to serve the party that end betraying their family. But, It was not only your family. Your neighbours, yours collagues or yours comrades. You weren't safe anywhere and with anyone. You always had to take care of what you say or eventhough, what you dream. Everybody wanted to show their respect and their admiration to Big brother and to the Party, and the best way of doing that was giving to them traitors.

It's cruel, but it was like this. Kids were educated and prepared to serf the party and that means they would have to identify traitors. Even thier friends or their parents.  

The Past Must Be Changed All the Time Because The party Can Never Make a Mistake

"The Past Must Be Changed All the Time Because The party Can Never Make a Mistake" is a sentence we can find in chapter number eight that talks about the Doublethink. It's written by Emmanuel Goldstein, the enemy number one of The Party, and it talks about the way that The Party manipulates the information to have always the reason.

The quotation says it very clearly: the past must be changed to make sure that people never knows that the Party was wrong sometime. It's a way of making people think that the Party will never do something amiss, that they are perfect and that they never make mistakes. Moreover, we can see in this sentence how easy was for The Party to control all that information. How they, thanks to the Ministry of Truth, can erase any type of information that contradicts them. How can they change the meaning of the words to make people belive false information. In addition, this sentence also shows the selfishness of The Party. They must always be right. The must always say the correct and the last thing and, if someone says the otehr way, he should be trated as a traitor.

So, as a conclusion, I would like to say that it's always the same. The Party controls the whole information that moves around he country and, as a consequence, it controls people's thoughts.

lunes, 6 de febrero de 2012


"War is Peace" is one of the parts that forms the official slogan of the Party. This sentence, in addition to " Freedom is Slavery!" and " Ignorance is Strengh", is written with capital lettres on the walls of the Minitrue, the Minitry of Truth that George Orwells describes in the firts chapter of 1984. 

"War is Peace" represents one of the principal ideas of the Party: war it's the only way to solve problems and thats why you (refering to people) must belive and participate in it. The point, is that it was used as a propaganda to recruit soldiers for the army and to make civil people belive that war is good and that it's the correct way to show to the whole world the power of the country, and of course the power and the influence of The Party. 
Althougth it's difficult to relate peace with war, the Party set up all the slogan to cause that impression on people. And, despite of not having any sense, many people thougth that and showed their support to the war and, obviously, to the Party. 

Finally, I asked myself: How could it be possible to think that war brings peace? How can anybody belive that the best way of solving problems is war? War is never good. It never brings anything more than deaths and misery, It can not be realated with PEACE. They are totally opposit!

martes, 13 de diciembre de 2011

Don't eat more McFlurry!!!

Do you know that McFlurry with Kit Kat and and chocolate is made from hamburgers, chips and bread?

When we eat a McFlurry the firts thing that comes to your mind is: Mmm... delicious! You look at it and you think that it's just skin with some kind of chocolate syrup and little peaces of kit kat on it, but NO. You are wrong, very wrong!

To make the McFlurry, the rubbish and the expired food, such as meat, chips bread or salad are collected by the McDonals workers and, instead of throwing all into the bin, they save a part if it. This part of disgusting and horrifing rubbish is put into a big and rouns machine that turns around and mix the food. After half and hour, that mixed food is converted into a cream. The cream is moved to another pot and converted into a white and frothy cream with a white colorant. Then, when the cream is completly white, the workers put a flavouring and some chocolate and kit kat on the cream that convert the mixure of rubbish into a delicious and yumy McFlurry.

I explain you that because I want to warn you about the risk that this ice-cream has for your health. That rubbish it isn't cleaned and has a lot of bacterias that are bad for your organism and that can produce you a very big infection or sikness at least. The next step, is dead!

sábado, 26 de noviembre de 2011

An Alternative Mouse Plot

We hated Mrs. Pratchett. We hated her a lot. She was ugly, rude and her old and wrinkled hands horrify us every day we went to the sweet shop. That's the reason we made a plan to scary her. 

Firts of all, we decided that we must use the mouse we found in the school in our plan. We know that everybody hated mouse and all kind of animals that look like rats. 
When we had already taken the mouse, we covered it with colorfull and beautifull papers that make it look like a present. We also writte a note, with good caligraphy, that said: 
"Mr. Pratchett, you wouldn't know who I am but I had been observing you for days and I think you are the most beautiful woman I ever seen so, as a symbol of my love, I give you this lovely present. I hope you like it. "

While we were writting that corny letter we all started to laught because non of us never thought anyone of those nice things about her. 

When we had the mouse corverted that seems a present, with a reed loop  and the letter sticked at the bottom we went to the sweet shop. There, one of us distracted her and the others put the mouse inside the pocket of her coat. Quickly, we run off the shop and started laugthing and thinking about the reaction of Mrs. Pratchet.

We all wanted to know how she will act when she found that the lovely present of her not true lover was a discusting mouse!!!

lunes, 21 de noviembre de 2011

My greatest wish in life

Since I was five years old and untill the age of elevent my world was full of music. 
I remember that my mum asked my to do another activity that wasn't related with sports (because I also swam at these time) and as I liked the music lessons we did at school I told her if I could go to a music school. She agree at the moment.
By the time I stayed there I learnend a lot of things related to music, above all, about classical music and also I started to play the piano. The last part was the best. 
At the begining of my piano lessons I was so exited that when I arrived at home I always practice with the little piano I had, that it was not more than 60 cm long!! 

At the age of sevent, I was devoted to the music lessons and the piano practice too. Thats why, my greatest wish in life was to be a professional pianist and enter to the Nacional Orchestra. 

I beg to my mum and to my dad a god and big piano. I wanted a long black piano, like the ones the professional used in concerts. I never get this piano, but they bougth my a second hand black electric piano that wasn't bad at all. For my it was enougth. Althougth I didn't have the best piano, I was happy to have the chance of practice every day. 
I also remember that I did kind of a music summer camp when I was eigth. I passed 15 days just playing piano and singing in the coral whith other boys and girls. The summer camp was amazing but the best thing of it was the concert I did at the end. It was my opportunity to feel like a professional, in front of more than a hundred people.

Nowadays, I don't play the piano. I left it when I was eleven and rigth now I only play it when I miss how did it feels like or when I like a song and I want to play it.