domingo, 23 de octubre de 2011

My First Memory

I can't talk about my chilhood without mentioning the chocolate milkshake: CACAOLAT. It was and its now a very common milkshake for children but for my it wasn't only a common drink, it was THE MILKSHAKE.

It was my favourite drink and a kind of drug for years and I remember that every single morning of school days my mum wokes me up at 8 o'oclock and brougth me a Cacaolat. I don't like waking up early now and I didn't like it before so, for my the mornings were the most difficult part of the day. But, knowing that there was a Cacaolat waiting for me in the nigthtable was a kind of help and a motivation.  Drinking this milkshake in the moorning was like the element I needed to say Goodmoornig!! So, when cacaolat was missing in my moornings you can imagine that  what happened was worts that horrible. I screamed to me mum: If there isn't Cacaolat I don't go tot school!! I didn't said it as a joke, I was really serious about it. Because of that, my mum  brought me Colacao (milk with cacao) but for my it wasn't hte same. If i wasn't Cacaolat it wasn't good. Or Cacaolat or anything. It was like life or die. 

Thanks Good, all this sort of crazy for the Cacaolat thing passed and rigth now i'm not so obsecionated with it. I like it but I drink it few times. Now I laugth about this and more that I think about it more I value the patience that my mum had with me. She was really a Saint! 

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